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Category: Free Game

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Humble Monthly adds Owlboy as an early unlock, Amnesia Collection free on Humble Store

By Liam Dawe,
Seems Humble have some pretty good deals going for Linux gamers right now, so let's take a little look.

KeyCars, a funny little local multiplayer car battle game where you use only one key

By Liam Dawe,
KeyCars, from developer Kenney is a rather fun local multiplayer game where cars battle it out, you only use one key for each player and it's amusing.

Tale of Toast, another open world MMO that's going to release with Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
Tale of Toast is another MMO that will release with Linux support, it will be free to play without any pay to win apparently.

Hex: Shards of Fate, a digital card game, has unofficial Linux builds available

This rather fun trading card game has had unofficial builds that run on Linux for a little while now. I tried them out and it’s a pretty fun game, but don’t expect official support anytime soon.

The MMO 'Project: Gorgon' has an experimental Linux version, it's not bad at all & free for now

By Liam Dawe,
Not getting enough MMOs on Linux? Project: Gorgon looks like a somewhat promising MMORPG that's currently free while it's in Alpha.

We have over 150 beta keys of the co-op MMO 'Dead Maze' to give away

By Liam Dawe,
Do you like MMOs but find the PvP combat to be the worst part? Dead Maze might solve that for you. It's a massively multiplayer cooperative game where you try to restore civilization.

Ultraball, a free multiplayer sci-fi action sports game will be coming to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Are you a fan of games like Rocket League? Ultraball might be your game. A free multiplayer sci-fi action sports game with players wearing robotic armour.

Free to play multiplayer shooter 'BRAIN / OUT' adds special missions in the latest update

By Liam Dawe,
Don't be scared of trying BRAIN / OUT due to it being free to play, I was actually quite impressed with it when I tried it a while ago. This new game mode adds in some more variety to the gameplay.

Free to play vehicle-based MMO 'Road Dogs' adds Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
I really don't quite know what to make of Road Dogs, but this free to play MMO recently added Linux support.

Kingdom: Classic and Oxenfree are two more Linux games you can grab totally free

By Liam Dawe,
The slick deals just keep on appearing and naturally we don't want you to miss out on any of them! Be quick and grab some more free games.

Grab a permanent free copy of the first HITMAN episode on Steam right now

By Liam Dawe,
If you still haven't taken a look at HITMAN, now is certainly the time to do so. You can grab it from now until January 5th and get a permanent copy of the first episode set in Paris.

Layers of Fear with the Soundtrack is currently free on the Humble Store

By Liam Dawe,
For those not keeping an eye on our Sales Page, you might want to know that you can currently grab Layers of Fear with the Soundtrack for free.

Company of Heroes 2 is currently free on the Humble Store

By Liam Dawe,
Lacking funds and need your gaming fix? Got you covered! Company of Heroes 2 is currently free to grab on the Humble Store.

In the mood for a free game? DEATHBASE 900,000,000 is currently free on itch for today

By Liam Dawe,
DEATHBASE 900,000,000 from Charlie's Games is currently free on itch for today, go grab it while you can and enjoy this crazy collect-em-up.

Tibia is a free to play MMO that has supported Linux for a long time, fix included for Ubuntu

By Liam Dawe,
Looking for an MMO to play on Linux? Well, Tibia has a Linux version and it's been around for quite a long time.

SuperTuxKart 0.9.3 is now officially out with new tracks and graphical upgrades, Steam release delayed

By Liam Dawe,
The free and open source racing game SuperTuxKart has officially released 0.9.3 which comes with a number of improvements.

Fun free to play vehicle combat game 'Robocraft' updated with a new major building tool

By Liam Dawe,
I greatly enjoyed my time with the free to play vehicle combat game Robocraft, but the actual building wasn't too easy. This latest update may help.

Completely free top-down shooter CS2D is now on Steam

By Liam Dawe,
CS2D is a top-down shooter heavily inspired by Counter Strike 1.6 and it's now available on Steam with Linux support.

Intra-System: Trust Issues fiendishly encourages betrayal, my thoughts on the experience

Intra-System: Trust Issues, aside from being a mouthful to say, is a short adventure game with a heavy emphasis on audio feedback and choices. I gave this recently-ported free game a play and have a few thoughts to share.

I played a bit of Die Totenmaske and it was a very strange experience

I recently gave one of the entries in the ongoing Indie Game Maker Contest 2017 a look and came away slightly befuddled.
Showing 1000 to 1020 of 1302 entries found.